Automotive Products
Ever wonder when to replace your worn car tires? The performance of your car tires is critical to the safety, performance and efficiency of your vehicle. There are many factors that can cause tires to wear uneven which will cause shakes, pulls and vibrations, at some point they start to lose performance in terms of their traction and braking ability. At Minute Muffler & Brake we carry some of the best brand name tires and state of the art equipment to assure a smooth ride.
Purchasing tires can be a big investment so you want to ensure that you maximize their life. Here are some tips to help you prolong tire life and improve gas mileage.
- Check your tire pressure once a month. Since air is a gas you should check the pressure when the tires are cold which means you should not have driven your car more than 2 kilometers.
- Tires wear differently on the front because of the scraping they receive as they turn to steer your car. To get the most out of your tires you should rotate them every 10,000 kilometers, or as recommended in your owners manual. This will help make the tires wear more evenly.
- New tires require a break-in period. When tires are manufactured, a lubricant is applied to prevent them from sticking to their mold. Some of this lubricant will remain on your tire that can affect traction when starting, stopping and or cornering.
- We also have a machine that provides precise measurements and accuracy when balancing tires and doing wheel alignments.

Oil Lube and Filter
Regular oil changes are one of the simplest, yet most important ways to keep your vehicle running smoother, longer. Engine oil lubricates vital components, reducing friction to help your engine run cooler and suspend dirt particles to keep your engine clean.
What kind of oil should you be using?
Choosing the right oil for your vehicle depends on a number of things. Your owner’s manual will recommend the weight of oil recommended for your vehicle and if your vehicle is under warranty you should follow their recommendation.
There are many different grades of conventional oil, multi grades being the most common. 10W30 and 5W30 are the most common multi grade oils. So what does 10W30 mean? The number 10 is an index as to how well the oil flows in cold temperatures, the “W” means it can be used in winter and the number 30 refers to how it flows in high temperatures. 10W30 is the most frequently recommended multi-grade oil. Today, most new cars recommend 5W30
When making your choice on what oil to use consider this.

Fluid Exchange and System Flushes
Oil changes include a free courtesy inspection to protect you from future breakdowns. We also provide Air filters, Battery Cleaning Kits, Wipers, Washer fluid and more!
Replacing old fluid with new fluid is important for preventative maintenance. If you want to save a big bill in the future you should strongly consider flushing your fluids now. We carry two flush machines:
- Brake
- Power Steering
We can also exchange differential fluid and carry injector cleaner. Come see us today to maintain your vehicle and prevent future breakdowns.